The Airport Authority of India (AAI) is conducting a walk-in interview for recruiting Young Professionals (YPs) at Corporate Headquarters, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi for one year on a contract basis.

The Walk-in-Interview will be conducted on the 29th of August 2023, Tuesday, Reporting time will be from 10 AM to 12 PM.

Young Professional (YPs) Recruitment at Airport Authority of India, New Delhi – Overview

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) was established on April 1, 1995, through a Parliament Act that merged the International Airports Authority of India and the National Airports Authority. Its goal is to upgrade 130 Indian airports to global standards by coordinating their growth and modernization.

AAI’s primary responsibilities include building and enhancing passenger terminals, managing cargo terminals, maintaining runway and taxiway infrastructure, and providing air navigation services like air traffic management and communication, as well as navigation and surveillance.

Eligibility Criteria – Young Professionals (YPs) – Airport Authority of India (AAI)

The eligibility criteria for Young Professionals (YPs) is shown in the table below-

Educational QualificationB. Arch. (Bachelor of Architecture)
Experience02 Years of Post Qualification experience in Planning Department
Age as on 25.08.202332 years Maximum

METHODS OF RECRUITMENT – Young Professional (YPs) Airport Authority of India (AAI)

The desirous applicant for engagement of YPs in AAI on contract basis may attend “Walk in Interview” on prescribed date and time, alongwith application and testimonials as per Annexure-I. The applicants may report at the following address: – 

The Office of General Manager (Planning) Airports Authority of India,

 Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110 003. 

(Near Jorbag Metro Station, Gate No. 2) 


The monthly honorarium of Young Professional (Level-1) will be Rs.60,000/- @ annual increment of Rs.5,000/- consolidated.


i) The engagement of consultant will be for a period of one (01) year. 

ii) Both AAI and the consultant can terminate /resign the services during the period of engagement by giving one-month remuneration in lieu of notice period or one-month notice.

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