Here is the syllabus of TOWN PLANNING for TNMAWS Recruitment 2024 for the posts of Town Planning Officer Grade-II / Assistant Engineer (Planning) (Municipality). There are 10 units as shown below.

UNIT– I: INTRODUCTION TO PLANNING – SCOPE AND CONTENTPlanning System in India, Introduction to Master Plan, Structure Plan,
Detailed Development Plans, City Corporate Plan and Smart City Plan. New Town
concepts, case studies in India & U.K. – Concept of Region, Types of Region,
Regionalization – Evolution of Regional Planning. Institutional framework for
Regional Planning – Regional disparities, Resources in Regional development.
Multi-level Planning – Regional Planning in India, Regional Plan case Studies, USA,
U.K., Japan.
UNIT–II: PLANNING THEORY AND TECHNIQUESProcess of evolution of human settlement planning – Principles in Planning –
Rationality in Planning, Blueprint and Process mode, Disjointed Incremental mode of
Planning, Normative versus Functional mode of Planning – Type of planning
surveys, data identification for various plan preparation. Delphi, Trade off-game,
Simulation models, Gravity analysis, Lowry model, Threshold analysis, Multivariate
analysis – Optimization and economic analysis methods in project formulation and
implementation, PBBS – URDPFI Guidelines.
Socio-economic groups, structures and Institutions as related to urban and
rural communities – Ecological processes and structures in Indian Cities – Social
Change & Economic Development – Agglomeration economics – Economics of scale,
Multiplier effect concept, scope, limitation – Basic and non-basic activities of
economics base, methods of base identification – Land-use determinants, Locational
Dynamics of urban Land-use – Spatial organization of Urban settlements – Cityregion, Urban Sprawl and Fringe – Urbanization in India and Tamil Nadu with
reference to settlements and population distribution.
UNIT–IV: ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES RELATED TO PLANNINGComponents of Environment – Classification of Environmental Resources –
Purpose and Objectives in Environmental Protection – Institutional and Legal Support
in management of the Environment – Environmental Policies, and issues –
Environmental Impact Assessment Practice in India – Types, Conceptual Approach
and Phases of EIA – Impact Identification – Public Participation in the Process of
Environmental Decision Making Process – Environmental Concepts – Sustainable
Planning – Eco Cities, Compact Cities, Smart growth.
UNIT–V: URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORK PLANNING ISSUESObligatory and Discretionary Services, Implication of Urban Form and Size on
Services, Norms and Standards, National Building Code, 2016. National and Local
guidelines – Demand Strategy, Issues and Tasks, Operation and Management
Aspects of each Service – Water Supply, Sewerage / Drainage, Solid Waste
Management, Roads and Street Lighting – Priority, Placement Network Options,
Effective System Analysis – Private and Public partnership and innovative concepts
and practices in Infrastructure Development.
UNIT–VI: PROJECT FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATIONTypes of Project, Project Cycle, Identification, Selection, Preparation – Capital
Investment Programme, Internal Rate of Return, Net present Value – Cost Benefit &
Analysis, Social Cost Benefit analysis, Budgeting, Tender procedures – Appraisal
techniques – Project Proposal and objectives, Current base line conditions, Financial
and Economical Appraisal, Socio cultural assessment – Process Monitoring – Key
issues, Monitoring Schedule, Data collection, Design, strategy, CPM, PERT –
Framework, Impact Evaluation – Approaches, Key issues, Alternative to large scale
qualitative Evaluation designs.
UNIT–VII: PLANNING LEGISLATION AND LEGAL FRAME WORKThe concept of law, Indian Constitution. Rights of Ownership and
development of property. Statutory control as a positive tool in plan preparation and
implementation – Evolution, scope and Significance of Planning Legislation. History
and survey of development of planning legislation in India – Panchayat Act,
Municipality Act, Corporation Act, TNULB Act, Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act, 2013. Provisions in the above acts related to functions, powers,
role and responsibilities of local bodies including elected representatives and
officers- 73rd and 74th CAA and their implications on planning and development.
Local Body finance, revenue, expenditure and resource mobilization – T & C
Planning Act of Tamil Nadu 1971, Urban Development Act – Implications of Land
ceiling, betterment levy and development charges. Concept of arbitration. The Tamil
Nadu Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016.
UNIT–VIII: ISSUES IN TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PLANNINGHighway classification – Traffic characteristics – Horizontal and Vertical
alignment, Land use & Transportation relationships – Sight distance – Cross
sectional elements– at grade and Grade separated intersections – Volume Count –
Origin and Destination – Parking and Public Transport – Surveys – Inventory of
Transport facilities – Methods of Survey – Different modes – Capacities–Limitations–
Planning Aspects – Coordination – Para Transit modes – Private transport – Urban
Transportation Planning Process – Trip Generation – Trip Distribution – Modal Split –
Trip Assignment, Transit Oriented Development, Bus Rapid Transit System.
UNIT–IX: REMOTE SENSING AND G.I.S., IN PLANNINGBasics of Remote Sensing and GIS. – Classification of spatial and non-spatial
data application of spatial data in urban and regional planning – Identification of
required spatial data layers, Applications of GPS – Coding schemes – digitization of
spatial data – editing spatial data usable for the given planning problem – Land use
Suitability Analysis, Land use Modeling, Existing Land use Preparation using
Mobiles, Use of Satellites, Aerial Photographs, Drones in Physical Planning.
UNIT–X: CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES IN PLANNINGConcepts of sustainable urban development, sustainable Transportation,
E – Governance – City Development Plans – Business Plans, JNNURM, AMRUT,
National Rural Health Mission, Public private partnership, local bodies and urban
finance. Land Pooling concept, Transfer of Development Right, Accommodation
Reservation, Formulation of Re-development and Urban Expansion Plans – Local
Area Plans, Town Planning Schemes – Special Economic Zone, Value Capture
Finance Policy Framework – Swiss Challenge Model.

This is the official Syllabus of Architecture mentioned in the notification. To know more about please Click on the following links.

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